
You and the Center


The Cardiothoracic Centre’s teams’ constant goal is to guarantee you the best possible care so that your hospital stay takes place in the best possible conditions.

They will provide you with personalized assistance in your administrative procedures.

Our multilingual reception service is available to patients on arrival or, if they are coming from abroad, at Nice Airport, Monaco Heliport or Monaco train station.

  Our Centre is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

What are the formalities?

You will be asked foran identity document (identity card, residence card, passport) and, depending on your healthcare insurance provider : your Monegasque healthcare insurance card or your French carte vitale and mutuelle card or your private insurance company card.

For minors, the family record book is requested in the absence of an identity document.

If you do not wish your presence to be disclosed, please indicate this on admission; the necessary steps will be taken to preserve your anonymity.

Designated contact person

You may designate a person from your entourage whom you fully trust, and who is able to advise you in your treatment choices. His/her contact details will be mentioned in your file.

International patients

Personalized welcome service, for your stay

Sabrina Ferraro, Welcome service
Logistics and hospitality services


T. +377 92 16 82 69

Valérie Belvisi
Coordination of medical appointments
Valérie Belvisi


T. +377 92 16 82 12



+377 92 16 80 00


Download the Brochure of Services

For any support request, please contact us beforehand. We will provide you with a secure link should you wish to send us your medical records.

Admission formalities

Les formalités diffèrent selon votre caisse et votre régime d’affiliation.

Covered by the Monegasque healthcare system

  • Your social security card or certificate of entitlement

Covered by the French healthcare system

  • Updated carte vitale or certificate of entitlement
  • Attestation 100%
  • Health care form if you benefit from Article 115 (war veteran)
    If your main residence is located outside the Alpes-Maritimes, please contact the administrative services.

 Affiliated to a French supplementary health insurance fund

  • Your registration card
  • Your insurance’s name, address and phone number (mutual health insurance or complementary fund)

Covered by the Italian healthcare system

  • M.I.C.9 form
    filed out by the U.S.L (unità sanitaria locale – local health administration unit) you belong to
  • Your registration card

Covered by a
private health insurance

  • Medical care agreement
  • Your registration card

You have no health insurance

  • Please contact us for payment terms

Download the Flat rates
for more information


Admission procedures enable us to identify you, to ensure the safety of your medical follow-up and the financing of your treatment by social security bodies *.

*or by private insurance companies, according to your personal situation.

Who takes care of the formalities and when?

You or one of your family members, as soon as possible after your arrival at the Cardiothoracic Centre or in view of a future hospitalisation. Any minor or person under guardianship must be accompanied by the holder of parental authority or his/her legal representative.

Designated contact person

On the day of your admission, you will be asked for the contact details of the person to be notified.

How can we help you?